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Cases to Crack
Misinformation is always dangerous, whether we’re dealing with rumors or traveling to alien planets. In Cases to Crack, you can choose from two interactive games where students can use their information literacy skills to solve a mystery. It’s time to get cracking!
The Case of the Vase
Ideal for younger students, The Case of the Vase helps students understand common misinformation tactics in the context of a classroom conundrum: who is responsible for the shattered vase?
Sour Flower Power
Older students might enjoy Sour Flower Power, where they travel to an alien planet and use their information literacy skills to determine if an herbal remedy can cure a terrible disease.
Awesome…it’s what you do!!!
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Want More?
After your students learn about information literacy, teach them about financial literacy! Your class will LOVE the Blue Apple project, 50 Years of Interest , where students learn about the dangers of debt and the power of investment, and use their learning to teach others important financial lessons.
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