Student Activities

Blue Apple Projects

Make PBL a reality this year with half the prep time and double the fun! Explore projects now.

Student Activities for Your Classroom

Fun and engaging classroom-tested activities that will make learning memorable and meaningful for your students.

Don’t just have another bake sale or walkathon; take a normal “red apple” fundraiser and spice it up until it’s a standout Blue Apple! For example, hold an engineering night where teams compete to win money by building balloon towers, or turn socks into puppets and sell tickets to a hysterical night at the opera!  View activity.

This activity is from the Blue Apple project What’s in Your Water?

Help students investigate temperatures around the world as they construct an understanding of how climate differs between the Northern and Southern hemispheres.  View activity.

This activity is from the timely topic lessons: The Reason for the Seasons.

Understanding women’s history is a GREAT chance to deepen student learning. Check out these four awesome, free ideas to help you teach about women’s history in a way that’s memorable, meaningful, and FUN!  View activity.

In order to craft well-constructed stories, students need to understand the elements of storytelling. Help them build a tale by letting them identify the characters, setting, conflict, plot, and resolution before they begin. Then, let them flesh out this “story skeleton” to build a captivating narrative!  View activity.

This activity is from the Blue Apple project Take a Stand.

Want to test your students’ ability to follow directions in an amusing way? Give them instructions that begin by asking them to read all the directions before beginning. Then, list a dozen crazy little activities. Finish with final instruction: to ignore all the crazy ones and just to do one simple task. Only students who read the whole list will avoid all the extra work!  View activity.

This activity is from the Blue Apple project Prevent the Spread.

Planning can be hard. To help your students understand the planning process, it helps to draw it out. Show your students how to make toast by drawing pictures and adding words. Then, use words and pictures to help them sequence and explain the necessary components of any process they need help organizing.  View activity.

This activity is from the Blue Apple project Lend a Hand.

The internet can be a dangerous place. Help your kids research without encountering unwanted material by having them use a pre-approved kid-safe search site.  View activity.

This activity is from the Blue Apple project State of Sustainability.

Getting to know someone new can be difficult and scary. Help ease student worries by having a quick and easy game they can play whenever you meet someone new. Having a focus and a purpose can help facilitate conversation and the formation of new bonds.  View activity.

This activity is from the Blue Apple project Moments to Remember.

Do your students settle on Plan A? Do you want to push them to be more innovative? Share “The F.U.N. Part” from the Blue Apple Project, Lend a Hand, to teach kids that honing and refining their work can be F-U-N!  View activity.

This activity is from the Blue Apple project Lend a Hand.

Want to teach your students about the importance of hearing both sides to an issue on a topic that is relevant to them? Have a GrEAT DebATE about the the pros and cons of providing healthier school lunches.  View activity.

This activity is from the Blue Apple project Take a Stand.

Looking to sharpen your students’ powers of debate? Want them to see both sides of important issues? Give them a list of relevant topics, and ASSIGN them which side of the issue to debate. They should be able to find good reasons, no matter what their gut feeling on the issue is.  View activity.

This activity is from the Blue Apple project Take a Stand.

Have your students discover the science behind the reason for the seasons through a virtual simulation.  View activity.

This activity is from the timely topic lessons: The Reason for the Seasons.


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Each Blue Apple Project Includes: