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Fact or Funny?

Fact or Funny?

You’ve heard of March Madness? Fact or Funny teaches students with a little Marsh Madness! Join Marcia the Marshmallow as she sparks student curiosity, gets them laughing, and leads them to investigate the world’s wonders… from bear pilots to levitating slinkies to Pepsi’s incredible navy. Curious? Your students will be, too!

Print one copy of the Fact or Funny? Tracker for each of your students. Then, let them explore the activity, either individually or in small groups. Give students ten minutes to explore, and five minutes to reflect. Alternatively, you can project the activity onto a screen and lead your whole class in a round a day to engage students and kickstart their curiosity!

Teacher TipYou can use Fact or Funny? to spark student curiosity for just about any topic! Do you have a unit coming up that you’d like us to create a round for? Just email! We’ll custom-create a new round just for you and your students!

Awesome…it’s what you do!!!

Please let us know how this lesson went and how we can improve it for the next teacher. Thank you for being a Blue Apple teacher- a teacher who stands out!

Want More?

If you loved sharing these engaging lessons with your students, you’ll LOVE the Blue Apple project, Prevent The Spread, where students learn about germs and how to stop them in their tracks!

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