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What's the Matter?

Engaging inquiry activities to get your students excited about matter and its interactions with the world around them!

Getting Started

Matter is all around us! But how can we get our students thinking about it in ways that get them asking, “Why did that happen?!” and investigating the science behind it to figure it out. Use these five lessons to engage students in creative and critical thinking — they’ll love every minute of it!

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Lesson 1

What are you sinking?

Buoyancy is a fascinating property of matter. Use a simple orange to launch an investigation full of sinking, floating, and fun!

Lesson 2

Ice, Ice…Maybe?

This “cool” engineering challenge explores the science of insulation and allows your students to exercise their creativity and critical thinking skills!

Lesson 3

Out to Launch

Everybody loves a launch — turn your students into young rocket scientists with this fascinating exploration of flight!

Lesson 4

“Water” You Afraid Of?

What kind of sand never gets wet? It sounds like the start of a joke — but it’s really the launching-off point of an engaging investigation that can spark deep scientific exploration!

Lesson 5

The Sweet Science

“The sweet science” doesn’t ordinarily refer to baking… but maybe it should! In this investigation, you’ll explore the science of cupcakes, then use what you learn to help your students build a connection with others!

Want More?

If you like these lessons, you'll LOVE our NexGen Inquiry Quests , compelling scenarios that capture student interest while introducing them to a real-world problem they can solve with science.

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